Treating Tired, Achy, Heavy, Crampy legs and Cosmetic Spider Veins

Posts tagged ‘restless leg’

varicose veins

Visible varicose veins  frequently are indicators of a circulation problem in the veins under the skin. If so, the situation may be a medical problem and treatments may be covered by insurance. Evaluations are also usually covered by insurance and all evaluations and treatments are done in the office. Usually no referral is neceesary. Call 919-405-4200. The well trained, experienced office staff can answer your questions.

free vein seminar

Want to learn more about veins? The staff at Carolina Vein Center does free educational seminars usually twice a month on both the medical and cosmetic issues and treatment of  leg veins. The seminars are free and include, not only a presentation, but free dinner and dessert, too, at Johnny Carino’s near Southpoint Mall.  call Fran Alexander at 919-403-1075 to attend.

Restless Legs?

Restless Leg Syndrome is a vague condition which affects many adults! Because the condition is poorly understood, so are the treatments. What is known is that 30% of those affected with restless leg syndrome complain of actual pain in thier legs! Many get relief from leg discomfort when they move thier legs and many move their legs involuntarily. What is known is if abnormal circulation is present in the legs veins, that treatment of the leg veins can improve symptoms >50% of the time. To get your legs veins evaluated, call Carolina Vein Center 919-405-4200! MOst insurance plans (including medicare) cover the evaluation and if necessary, the treatments.