Treating Tired, Achy, Heavy, Crampy legs and Cosmetic Spider Veins

Archive for August, 2009

tired heavy legs?

Sometimes unhealthy circulation in leg veins can cause blood to pool in your feet causing legs to feel heavy, achy and tired. If so, it may be a medical problem covered by most insurance companies. The evaluation and treatments are all simple office procedures and usually also convered by insurance. carolina Vein Center can help. call (919) 405-4200 and learn more at

spider veins

Fall is the best time to have your spider veins treated especially since the Carolina Vein Center has a fall special offering $100 off a 1 hour spider vein treatment special. Call now, (919) 405-4200. www

spider vein special

Fall is the best time to get your spider veins treated, especially since the Carolina Vein Center offers a spider vein special every Sept! From Sept 1, 2009 – Nov 30, 20009 you can get your spider veins treated witha $100 of a 1 hours spider vein treatment session. Call (919) 405-4200 and mention you saw the special here to get your discount.

restless leg?

Do you ahve restless legs? Did you know that sometimes poor circulation in the legs can contribute to restless leg syndrome? By correcting the vein circulation, usually the restless leg symptoms improve. Evaluation and Treatments are covered by most insurance companies, including Medicare. Carolina Vein Center can help. Call (919) 405-4200. Go to for more information.

Carolina Vein Center testamonial of the month

Carolina Vein Center has been like an extended family to me. Everyone in the offie is so freindly, and I feel they all really care. I have seen other doctors for my veins, and I could tell they only thought of me as a number. I have never seen anybody ever with worse veins than mine. I have lived with varicose veins and spider veins for 11 years. I don’t know why I waited so long, but I am glad I did, because I found Dr. Lindy and staff. Carolina Vein Center changed my life!

Carolina Vein Center has been like an extended family to me. Everyone in the offie is so freindly, and I feel they all really care. I have seen other doctors for my veins, and I could tell they only thought of me as a number. I have never seen anybody ever with worse veins than mine. I have lived with varicose veins and spider veins for 11 years. I don’t know why I waited so long, but I am glad I did, because I found Dr. Lindy and staff. Carolina Vein Center changed my life!
J.Q. – raleigh

Fall Spider Vein Special

Fall and winter is the best time to treat spider veins, so you can debut your legs in the spring wearing shorts, sandals and skirts! CVC has a fall spider vein treatment special! call Carolina Vein Center 919-405-4200 for details! limited time offer, call now! 919-405-4200

Tired, Heavy Legs!

Do your legs feel tired and heavy, especially at the end of the day? Do you just feel like sitting down and elevating them? It could be from poor circualtion in your leg veins. The evaluation and treatment of poor leg vein circulation is easy and covered by most insurance companies. Call Carolina Vein Center 919-405-4200 today! and go to to learn more!

Spider Veins

Are you embarassed about your spider veins? Don’t wear shorts? skirts? Sandals? Capris? because of your unsightly spider veins. Spider Veins are easily treated and disappear with sclerotherapy. The Carolina Vein Center has a comprehensive sclerotherapy program. Don’t be embarassed anymore!!!! Call the Carolina Vein Center today! 919-405-4200 !!!

Spider Vein Special

Spider Vein Special! Mention you found this special on Carolina Vein Center’s blog site and get a free spider vein treatment. Only one free treatment available for this special so call asap 919-405-4200. value $400. expires August 31, 2009

Varicose Veins

Did you know varicose veins can be a medical problem? If so, the evaluation and treatment of varicose veins may be covered by insurance. Carolina Vein Center specialized in the medical and cosmetic treatment of varicose veins and spider veins. No need to suffer any longer! call today, 919-405-4200