Treating Tired, Achy, Heavy, Crampy legs and Cosmetic Spider Veins

Archive for February, 2009

Restless Legs?

Restless Leg Syndrome is a vague condition which affects many adults! Because the condition is poorly understood, so are the treatments. What is known is that 30% of those affected with restless leg syndrome complain of actual pain in thier legs! Many get relief from leg discomfort when they move thier legs and many move their legs involuntarily. What is known is if abnormal circulation is present in the legs veins, that treatment of the leg veins can improve symptoms >50% of the time. To get your legs veins evaluated, call Carolina Vein Center 919-405-4200! MOst insurance plans (including medicare) cover the evaluation and if necessary, the treatments.

Spider Vein Special

Spider Vein Special! Mention you found this special on Carolina Vein Center’s blog site and get a free spider vein treatment. Only one free treatment available for this special so call asap 919-405-4200. value $300. expires Feb 28, 2009